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Gac Sanit ; 22 Suppl 1: 237-43, 2008 Apr.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18405576


Years after its inception, the results of official development aid in terms of poverty reduction are still limited. Among the causes, especially in the health sector, are aid dispersion and its divergence from priorities and mechanisms of recipient countries' public policies. The Paris Declaration of the High Level Forum on AIDS Effectiveness (2005) fostered an agreement on the principles to be adopted to improve the effectiveness of aid by strengthening recipient countries governments' leadership of the aid and reducing aid delivery transaction costs. Aiming at these principles, the use of new instruments -programmatic instruments- and new approaches - the sector wide approach- are being promoted to increase the effectiveness of aid. Despite some weaknesses, the assessment conducted on their utilization seems to show better performance than that achieved with traditional instruments. Spain joined the Paris Declaration in March 2005 and incorporated the use of programmatic instruments and the participation in sector-wide approaches in its new Cooperation Policy, thus initiating a significant change from previous strategies that mainly encompassed project implementation and technical advice. The new strategies directed at strengthening public policy in recipient countries provide an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of aid; however, major changes are needed for their implementation.

Atenção à Saúde , Economia , Cooperação Internacional , Países em Desenvolvimento , Humanos
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 22(supl.1): 237-243, abr. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-62025


Tras años de evolución, los resultados de la Ayuda Oficial alDesarrollo (AOD) en términos de disminución de la pobreza siguensiendo limitados. La dispersión de la ayuda y su desvinculaciónde las prioridades y mecanismos de actuación de laspolíticas públicas de los países receptores están entre las causas,específicamente en el sector sanitario. En vista de la situación,la Declaración del Foro de Alto Nivel de París (2005)impulsó un acuerdo sobre los principios que se deberían adoptarcon el fin de incrementar la efectividad de la cooperación:fortalecimiento del liderazgo de los gobiernos receptores de laayuda y reducción de los costes de transacción de su entrega.Con estos objetivos, se promueve la utilización de nuevosinstrumentos –los instrumentos programáticos– y nuevos enfoques–como el sectorial–, que pretenden aumentar la eficaciade la ayuda. La evaluación de su utilización, si bien muestraalgunas debilidades, parece indicar un mejor desempeñoque los instrumentos tradicionales. España se adhirió a la Declaraciónde París desde marzo de 2005 e incorporó en su nuevoPlan Director de Cooperación el empleo de los instrumentosprogramáticos y la participación en enfoques sectoriales, iniciandoasí un cambio significativo respecto a estrategias anteriores,que contemplaban esencialmente el desarrollo de proyectosy asistencia técnica. Las nuevas estrategias orientadasa fortalecer las políticas públicas de los países receptores, suponenuna oportunidad hacia una mayor efectividad de la ayuda,pero requiere la introducción de cambios mayores(AU)

Years after its inception, the results of official developmentaid in terms of poverty reduction are still limited. Among thecauses, especially in the health sector, are aid dispersion andits divergence from priorities and mechanisms of recipient countries’public policies. The Paris Declaration of the High LevelForum on AIDS Effectiveness (2005) fostered an agreementon the principles to be adopted to improve the effectivenessof aid by strengthening recipient countries governments’ leadershipof the aid and reducing aid delivery transaction costs.Aiming at these principles, the use of new instruments –programmaticinstruments– and new approaches – the sector wideapproach– are being promoted to increase the effectivenessof aid. Despite some weaknesses, the assessment conductedon their utilization seems to show better performance thanthat achieved with traditional instruments.Spain joined the Paris Declaration in March 2005 and incorporatedthe use of programmatic instruments and the participationin sector-wide approaches in its new CooperationPolicy, thus initiating a significant change from previous strategiesthat mainly encompassed project implementation andtechnical advice. The new strategies directed at strengtheningpublic policy in recipient countries provide an opportunity toincrease the effectiveness of aid; however, major changes areneeded for their implementation(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico , Pobreza/prevenção & controle , Pobreza/estatística & dados numéricos , Cooperação Internacional , Cooperação Técnica , Liderança , Programas e Políticas de Nutrição e Alimentação , Políticas e Cooperação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação , 50207 , Administração Sistêmica/políticas